Monday, July 25, 2011

What's Up????

What's up?  It has been a busy time in my household.  Unfortunately, not much knitting, spinning or general creativeness happening here.  As many of you know my handicapped sister came to live with us about a year and a half ago.  I think it is always a challenge when anyone comes to live in your home long term but, if there are other factors involved it is much more difficult.  I won't go into details, it is what it is.

On a lighter note, I'm hoping to get back to "normal" or a new normal soon.  It has been a crazy last four years.  I gotta get back to my knitting and spinning, for years that has brought me great joy and I have more yarn and fiber than I know what to do with.  I think I may just jump in and start My Wicked Emerald City Coat. 


Unknown said...

Wishing you time for knitting and spinning - even if just 10 minutes. Also wishing the "new normal" becomes more routine so that extra time can be found for you.

Arianwen said...

good to see you back blogging. The coat looks like it will be devine!