Just look at that face, just look at it!!!!! Isn't that the cutest little feller you ever saw? I gotta have one, I'm gonna have one, I'm gonna have three!!!! One for my Emma Belle, one for her little sister, Ava Simone, and one to be my special little friend and he shall be called Herman!!!! And he shall go with me everywhere. He will ride in my truck on the dashboard, at other times he will travel safely in my knitting bag and at night he will be the last little face I look at before I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I awake. He is my soulmate.
Kits are available at
Enchanted Yarn & Fiber for your very own little friend.
What you gonna name him?
He is very, very cute. But I think it best you don't tell your husband that a knitted chicken is your soul mate - he may not understand! lol have a good easter.
He is definitly cute, looks like an easy project! And we love the easy projects whenever we find them.
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