It is HOT in this piece!!!! Here it is the middle of March and we are having highs in the 80's. I absolutely refuse to turn the air on in March. Who ever heard the like? Plus, I guarantee you in a week or two it will be freezing around here. I remember one Derby Day back in '88 or '89 that it snowed. It was horrible. If you aren't familiar with the Kentucky Derby, it is held the 1st Saturday in May.
Once again, I'm trying to use up some of my stash. (BORING!!!!) I've been working on some cotton dishcloths. Many of them are like the pictures from a previous post. What I really want to do is run down to my LYS (local yarn store),
Crafty Hands, and get some sort of wonderful, awesome yarn fit for an Aran sweater. But restraint is my friend (?). But I might be in trouble. One of the women from the knitting class I lead wants me to take her to Crafty Hands so I can show her the ropes (HA, HA, get it?). Anyways.....
I've done a little spinning each day. I'v almost filled two bobbins with a beau
tiful brown Romney roving
Joanne gave me. Don't tell me my bobbin isn't wound very even, I know already. :) I really like spinning Romney. It is an excellent fiber choice for a beginner. I heard another newbie spinner say she felt it almost spun itself. I wouldn't go that far but it is great.
Romney fibers like each other. As they are sliding out of the roving into your draft zone they reach back and grab hands with their buddies. Some fibers are not friendly little fellers, they try to just go on their merry little way and you really have to coax them to take a buddies hand. But then there are some fibers that are scaredy cats as they leave the pack they try to grab everybody and their brother to pull along with them. You gotta know you fibers. :)
To make myself and
June happy I got my Turkish Spindle out and gave her a whorl. :) Initially I tried spinning some of the Icelandic roving from
Joanne but I quickly became very frustrated so out came the old faithful Romney and off I went. It isn't much, but it is some.
Soon I'm going to be opening my own Etsy store and also selling on Ebay. I am so excited and have some neat things in the works. I'll let you know more when I have things firmed up a bit. Chow!!