Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ready for Baby!!!!!

I should be receiving my new baby, my Kromski Polonaise, within the next day or so. So I've been busy getting a place ready for her. The Louet S10 may be relegated to a different room. She already feels rejected, I don't want her to feel inferior as well. Once I receive the necessary parts I'm sure she will get some use so don't go crying for her. I've ordered some roving to add to that I already have and some June has given me. All said and done I will have Romney, Wensleydale, Border Leicester and some June gave me I'm not sure what it is. With my wheel comes a little wool and 4 oz silk (don't freak out, I'm going to get good at spinning before I attempt the silk). Saturday some of the women in one of the knitting groups I attend are coming out for a day of fellowshiping, eating and knitting. Really I just wanted to show off my wheel. :) Just kidding!!!!!
Like any new parent, if you visit here again soon, you will see pictures of me unpacking her, putting her together and gently placing her in her special spot. I gotta come up with a name. Any suggestions? Needs to be something French, maybe Bebe.

1 comment:

June said...

Ooh Peggy, Can't wait to see the new wheel, and I think the S10 needs a rest! Like to the retirement home! lol! The wool I gave you was cotswold - yummy stuff, just not my color! :)